Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Lee - Now New and Improved With Roofing Materials!

Lee - Now New and Improved With Roofing Materials!
Made my visit to the Nurse Practitioner at my primary care doc's office today to find out what the flyin' frackin' frell was going on with my upper back this past week and lo and behold! I've got shingles! Not the stuff you put on yer roof, mind you, but herpes zoster aka the same stuff that's causes chicken pox. Looks like hell on toast points and feels even worse (dear Zod! Between the pain, sensitivity in the area, and the itching I'm surprized I'm not on heavy sedatives!)

Anyway, I'm on Valtrex and ibuprofen for a bit. At least I know what the hell it is now. The good news of the visit was I'm 37 lbs. less than the last time I made nice with a scale!