Saturday, March 31, 2007

I'm Alive!

First off, I saw this last night and it's got to be the most heartbreaking commercial I've ever seen. It's for the ASPCA with Sarah Mclachlan. I viewed it again and once again was reduced to tears. Yeah, I'm definitely and always have been a sucker for a cute puppy or puddy face and I try to support the organization when I can.

Other than that, I've been slogging through school and survived another intense exam this past Thurday. Alas, having to play hermit, I missed seeing Jimbo. I gotta 'nother exam coming up so I gotta siddown and see how that'll fare. I dunno if I gotta continue playing hermit or not since I should let Glenn know fer shure.

And I've got to somehow scrape the money together to replace the wood trim in the from of Casa de Clutter since it's in desparate need of being replaced.