Quickie Quiz Time
Kinda fitting, since I'm considering heading back to get another degree:
What Do You Remember From School?
Kinda fitting, since I'm considering heading back to get another degree:
PBS's gay marriage poll
Well, tomorrow is my birthday. Or as I call it - The 5th Anniversay of my 39th birthday. I don't mind the birthdays; afterall, I get nifty prezzies and am the center of attention (yay, Leos!), but the age is not my fave part. My 40th was NOT my fave one by any means! That magical number was a dreaded one. "40" seemed to be so...so...middle-aged sounding! And I do NOT feel anywhere near that age at all! Mid to late 20's is more like it! Maybe it's arrested development or maybe it's a good case of Peter Pan Syndrome...I dunno. Whatever it may be, I just don't feel "that *old*"! Or maybe it's just that being the youngest on both sides of the family, I saw everyone else get to be those "old ages" so I can't seem to see *myself* at that age.
Just added an icon to the left column for a gay bloggers board (or tribe, in this case) over on tribe.net. Founded by these cool, hot dudes. Staight but not narrow folks also welcomed to join. If yer not a member of tribe.net yet, go for it. It's free and easy as well as quite a fun place.
Just an FYI post -
Okay...since I'm post migraine right now and not in the mood to sit still for a long period of time at the moment, I'll just post some quick stuff.
For those 'scapers out there, here's a link to the Farscape: Peacekeeper Wars promo. (Scott - This is from the Chicagoscapers.com website)
New York Newsday has an article on the 2005 calendar of the FDNY firefighters.
Had a horrid start to the day when the frelling power went off in my neighborhood just before 7am, abruptly waking me from a sound sleep (and I had only been asleep for a lousy hour and a half...yes, I'm a night owl) Called in to report it and got the usual "Well how do oyu know it's not just YOUR place?" attitude from the call taker. Apprently, it seemed to caused by repair work that wasn't done properly the night before...at least that's what another TEP employee claimed. Luckily for me, the power was back on a half hour later.
A couple of links passed along by a friend who SWEARS she ain't that frigging golf broad! :-) (Hi, Nancy!)
I know it's 4 months after the fact but I just found out that
A joke passed along by a friend...
This was sent to me by a friend today and I figured I'd share. (I just wonder how many {ahem} "nice" notes I'll be getting?)