Saturday, October 22, 2005

Yeah, I'm Alive.

Been a slightly busy week. Got done with one of my classes (the Internet Imploder one) yesterday. Easy as hell which is why I was able to cruise through it so quickly. Picked up on the existance of a few new sites out there (besides getting some credits and one less needed course for my degree to worry about) so it wasn't a total waste of time.

Had problems with it, tho. Minor ones but ones that shouldn't have happened. I chalk it up to a poor planning on the teachers part and a lack of communication between said teacher and the lab assistants that deal with the CSA courses in that lab. Luckily, I kept tabs on what I completed and saved all the hardcopies of my work (about 4 assignments I handed in that were graded and handed back were never recorded in my folder so they were considered officially not done.) So, when I discovered the fuck-up, I stuck them in teacher's face and basically told her "See, twit? They WERE done and graded. Now credit me, BITCH!" She also claimed that another assignment which was done via the class's website and e-mailed to her never was received. I highly doubt it; she probably just deleted it without even realizing it. I had to re-do but luckily it was a quick 5 minute re-do. She ain't teaching the course next semester so I dunno whether to offically complain about what happened to me.

My medical terms course is a real dosey. Just takes time in memorizing those terms. Three outta the eight tests done tho but I gotta make sure I keep my ass in gear about doing it. The records managment class is coming along as well.


Gotta another "Missing NYC Blahs" episode the other day. Doing some reading on stuff that landed up including what was happening in NYC got me to missing it. Fall and spring are the two seasons I'd prefer to be there (you can keep the summer's humidity and the friggin' cold during the winter, thankyouverymuch!) I love TooStoned but there's stuff that you can't get here and only there without having to depend on a car. Dunno if I can ever live in that city permanently again but I'd love to be able to afford spending a month or so in the spring and/or fall, stay at one of those corporate apts., and take in the fun things to do there on top of getting the chance to meet some or all of the online people I've come to know in the area.


It's that time once again to be hella worried about my family. I'm sure y'all are up to yer eyeballs in WilmaTalk the past few days and the family are all in Florida. Spoke to my mom a couple of days ago but she didn't know anything that I didn't know already. I'll speak to her again tomorrow to see whazzup with the parental units and my sister and her family.


Speaking of the 'rents and Florida, I might be heading there in January for my mom's surprize 80th birthday party. Gotta see how to pull things together.


Just in case you haven't heard, I read over on Casey's site that Toddski passed away on October 9th. His boyfriend posted a note (see link above) about it. Didn't know him or read his site myself but maybe others do/have.